Action Logs
You may wish to keep track of actions performed by various users in the system. All actions will be recorded in a log file that you will be able to download for viewing. The following system events (actions) can be logged:
- Administrator information changed
- System service restarted, started, or stopped
- IP address added, removed, changed
- Login settings (allowed period of inactivity for all user sessions in the control panel) changed
- Customer account created, deleted, personal or system information changed
- The status of customer account changed (suspended/activated)
- Customer's interface preferences changed
- Customer's IP pool changed
- Web applications were added to or removed from a customer's pool
- The limit on disk space is reached for a customer account
- The limit on traffic usage is reached for a customer account
- The limit on disk space is reached for a website
- The limit on traffic usage is reached for a website
- Website created, deleted, settings changed
- Website owner changed
- Website status changed (suspended/activated)
- DNS zone updated for a website
- Subdomain created, deleted, settings changed
- Domain alias created, deleted, settings changed
- DNS zone of the domain alias changed
- Resource allotments were changed for a customer account
- Customer's permissions for operations were changed
- Resource allotments were changed for a website
- Users logged in and out of Plesk
- Mail accounts created, deleted, changed
- Mailing lists created, deleted, settings changed
- Website hosting set up, deleted, changed
- Web forwarding hosting accounts were created, deleted, reconfigured
- Web application installed, reconfigured, uninstalled
- Web application package installed, uninstalled, updated
- License key expired or updated
- Database server created, deleted, updated
- Database created or deleted
- Database user account created, deleted, updated
- Customer's GUID updated
- Domain's GUID updated
- Plesk component was updated or added