These parameters (located at Service Plans > select a plan > the Mail section) define the mail service provided with the plan.

Switch on the mail service
Turns on or off the mail service on all newly created subscriptions.
Provides the webmail service, which allows users of mailboxes within the subscription to work with their mail using a web-based mail application.
Note: the "Webmail" parameter acts as a preset, and is only applied during the creation of subscription. Changing the parameter for an existing service plan will not result in the webmail clients for subscriptions already created based on that plan changing.
Switch on mailing lists
Turns on the mailing lists service provided by the GNU Mailman software on the subscription's websites.
Note: This parameter is not synced if the permission Mailing lists management is selected.
Policy on mail for non-existent users
Defines how mail server should treat email messages sent to email addresses that are supposed to be registered under the subscription's domains but actually do not exist. The following options are available:
- Bounce with message returns the mail back to sender with a notice.
- Forward to address forwards the mail to another email address.
- Reject silently rejects the mail without accepting it. This setting can decrease mail server load caused by a large amount of spam, which is often directed at randomly generated user names. However, this might be useful to spammers because scanning your mail server for valid email addresses will speed up in such a case.
- Redirect to external mail server with IP address (on Windows hosting), forwards the mail to the specified mail server.
Settings for outgoing mail control
- Outgoing messages from a mailbox (per hour). Sets up a custom limit on the number of outgoing email messages from a mailbox. This limit will be used by default on the plan's subscriptions.
- Outgoing messages from a domain (per hour). Sets up a custom limit on the number of outgoing email messages from a domain. This limit will be used by default on subscriptions.
- Outgoing messages from a subscription (per hour). Sets up a custom limit on the number of outgoing email messages from a subscription. This limit will be used by default on subscriptions.
- Allow scripts and users to use Sendmail. Scripts and users will be able to send email messages by using Sendmail even if the limits for a mailbox and domain are exceeded. The maximum number of messages can be sent will be defined by the limit for a corresponding entire subscription. Messages are sent on behalf of the subscription's system user.