After Upgrading to Plesk Onyx
About Plesk
Web Servers
Web Hosting
Database Servers
Server Administration
Plesk Administration
Customizing the Plesk Interface
Plesk Updates and Upgrades
Plesk Extensions
Statistics and Monitoring
Backing Up and Restoration
File Sharing
Customers and Resellers
Website Management
Quick Start with Plesk
Customer Account Administration
Websites and Domains
WordPress Toolkit
Git Support
Ruby Support (Linux)
Node.js Support
Creating Sites with Presence Builder
Getting Familiar With Presence Builder
Creating a Website
Importing Sites from SiteBuilder 4.5
Editing Websites
Structure: Pages and Navigation
Adding and Removing Pages
Adding and Removing Navigation Links
Design: Design Templates, Layout, Styles, Color Scheme, and Header
Content: Text, Tables, Images, Video, Forms, and Scripts
Multi-Language Websites
Settings and Tools for Webmasters
Saving and Loading Copies of a Website
Optimizing Sites for Mobile Devices
Publishing a Website to the Internet
Publishing a Website Copy to Facebook
Viewing Site Visits Statistics, Comments, and New Orders on the Dashboard
Deleting Websites
FTP Access to Your Websites
Mail Settings
Scheduling Tasks
Website Databases
Backing Up and Recovering Websites
Appendix A: Properties of Hosting Plans and Subscriptions
Appendix B: Properties of Reseller Plans and Subscriptions