Vanaf 1 december gaan de prijzen omhoog van een aantal TLDs, namelijk van .NL (8.25 Euro), .BE (9.45 Euro), .COM (16.75 Euro), .ORG (16.95 Euro), .BIZ (18.95 Euro), .INFO (19.99 Euro), .MOBI (22.95 EURO), .CLUB (17.95 Euro) en .ONLINE (32.50 Euro).
De redenen hiervoor zijn o.a. prijsverhogingen vanuit de verschillende registries, stijgende stroomkosten en inflatie kosten. De prijzen gaan dus vanaf 1 december in.
as this overload is caused by regular requests (although those requests are coming sometimes in a big amount), there is nothing a control panel can detect about them.
The requests to xmlrpc.php are a quite common problem - and are not solved by deleting that file, as then the requests are redirected to the index.php and overloading your site again.
Here you will find a strategie how to protect yourself with a simple rule in the .htaccess of your WordPress installation:
For more information, you can start reading here:
Voorbeeld voor in uw htaccess:
# protect xmlrpc Order Deny,Allow Deny from all